A-Z list of SCONUL Access members

Search all SCONUL Access members using the table below. Click the institution or library name to view full details. To search libraries and locations head over to the map search.

Institution ID Email Phone Libraries
University of Glasgow GLA Suzanne.Hartley@glasgow.ac.uk 0141 330 4514
University of Gloucestershire GLOS libmemberships@glos.ac.uk
University of Greenwich GRCH sconul@gre.ac.uk
University of Hertfordshire HERT uhmembership@herts.ac.uk
University of Huddersfield HUD ptxpress@hud.ac.uk 01484 473830
University of Hull HULL j.ripley2@hull.ac.uk 01482 466581
University of Keele KEEL d.m.steventon@keele.ac.uk 01782 733233
University of Kent KENT helpdesk@kent.ac.uk 01227 824189
University of Leeds LEED library@leeds.ac.uk 0113 3435663
University of Leicester LEIC library@leicester.ac.uk 0116 252 2448
University of Limerick LIM Mary.Dundon@ul.ie 0353 61 202170
University of Lincoln LINC sgreasley@lincoln.ac.uk 01522 886222
University of Liverpool LIV library@liverpool.ac.uk 0151 794 2685
University of London, Senate House Libraries ULON Aleksandra.piotrowska@london.ac.uk 0207 862 8469
University of Manchester UMAN customerservices@manchester-uk.libanswers.com 0161 275 3715
University of Northampton UNTN library.membership@northampton.ac.uk 01604 893089
University of Nottingham NOTT UA-Enquiries-JCG@exmail.nottingham.ac.uk 0115 9516393
University of Oxford OXFD
University of Plymouth PLYM LibraryandITenquiries@plymouth.ac.uk 01752 588588
University of Portsmouth PORT Library.Registration@port.ac.uk 023 9284 3210
University of Reading RDG library@reading.ac.uk 0118 378 8770
University of Roehampton ROEU library@roehampton.ac.uk 020 8392 3770
University of Salford SALF library@salford.ac.uk 0161 295 5535
University of South Wales USW librarysupport@southwales.ac.uk 01443 483376
University of Southampton STON pjcm@soton.ac.uk (0)23 8059 3452
University of St Andrews STAN library@st-andrews.ac.uk 01334 462283
University of Staffordshire STAF studentconnect@staffs.ac.uk 01782 294751
University of Stirling STIR l.a.cameron@stir.ac.uk 01786 467221
University of Strathclyde STRA jackie.ryan@strath.ac.uk 0141-548 4626
University of Suffolk SUFF learningservices@uos.ac.uk 01473338700
University of Sunderland SUND hattie.blenkinsop@sunderland.ac.uk 0191 515 3691
University of Surrey SURY library@surrey.ac.uk 01483 689235
University of Sussex SUSX Library.membership@sussex.ac.uk 01273 876716
University of the Arts London ARTS k.riley@fashion.arts.ac.uk 020 7514 2096
University of the Highlands and Islands UHI Tracey.Cooper2@uhi.ac.uk
University of the West of England, Bristol UWE https://www.uwe.ac.uk/study/library/contact-us 0117 32 82277
University of the West of Scotland UWS gillian.dawson@uws.ac.uk 0141 848 3888
University of Wales Trinity Saint David TSD sconul@uwtsd.ac.uk 01792 481200
University of Warwick WARW Nicola.Tod@warwick.ac.uk 02476 522 026
University of West London UWL library@uwl.ac.uk
University of Westminster WMIN A.Soares1@westminster.ac.uk 0203 506 7066
University of Winchester UWIN Libresearch@winchester.ac.uk 01962 827306
University of Wolverhampton WLV Harrisonsupervisors@wlv.ac.uk 01902 322306
University of Worcester UWRC sconul@worc.ac.uk 01905 542807
University of York YORK lib-enquiry@york.ac.uk 01904 323838
Wellcome Collection library@wellcome.ac.uk 02076117289
Wrexham University GLYN Learning.Resources@wrexham.ac.uk
York St John University YSJU support@yorksj.ac.uk 01904-876696