A-Z list of SCONUL Access members

Search all SCONUL Access members using the table below. Click the institution or library name to view full details. To search libraries and locations head over to the map search.

Institution ID Email Phone Libraries
SCONUL sconul@sconul.ac.uk
Sheffield Hallam University SHU t.g.smith@shu.ac.uk 0114 225 2111
SOAS, University of London SOAS tp18@soas.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7898 4163
Society of Antiquaries of London library@sal.org.uk 020 7479 7084
Southampton Solent University SSU jane.coomer@solent.ac.uk
SP Jain London School of Management
SRUC (Scotland's Rural College) SRUC sconulaccess@sruc.ac.uk 01224 711211
St Mary's University MARY library@stmarys.ac.uk 020 8240 4230
St Mary's University College, Belfast STMY
Swansea University SWAN amber.arrowsmith@swansea.ac.uk 01792 295500
Tate Library (Tate Britain) andrew.gent@tate.org.uk 020 7887 8838
Technological University Dublin TU Dublin sarahanne.kennedy@tudublin.ie
Teesside University TEES libraryhelp@tees.ac.uk 01642 342100
The British Library
The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama CDD Sam.king@nscd.ac.uk
The London Library LDLB
The University of Law
The University of Sheffield Library SHEF lib-membership-external-group@sheffield.libanswers.com 0114 222 7200
Trinity College, Dublin TCD
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance TCM jlpa@trinitylaban.ac.uk 020 8305 9331
Ulster University ULST Library-Applications@ulster.ac.uk 028 701 24671
Universities at Medway dhlhelp@medway.ac.uk 01634 883878
University College Birmingham UCB m.dhillon@ucb.ac.uk 0121 232 4212
University College Cork CORK https://libguides.ucc.ie/library 021 4902292
University College Dublin UCD brendan.stafford@ucd.ie +353 (0)1 716 7695
University College London UCL r.pinckney@ucl.ac.uk 020 7679 2638
University for the Creative Arts UCA gatewaycanterbury@ucreative.ac.uk 01227 817314
University of Aberdeen ABDN m.blacklaw@abdn.ac.uk 01224 273767
University of Bath BATH c.roberts@bath.ac.uk 01225 386082
University of Bedfordshire BEDS Carly.ramirez-herelle@beds.ac.uk 01582 489341
University of Birmingham BHAM frontofhouse@birmingham-uk.libanswers.com
University of Bolton UBOL S.Crimes@bolton.ac.uk 01204 903093
University of Bradford BRAD s.north2@bradford.ac.uk 01274 233301
University of Brighton BTON SCONULAccess@brighton.ac.uk 01273 643220
University of Bristol BRIS lib-access@bristol.ac.uk
University of Buckingham UBCK librarian@buckingham.ac.uk 01280 828369
University of Cambridge CMBR rfg29@cam.ac.uk
University of Central Lancashire (Preston campus only) CLAN libraryservices@uclan.ac.uk 01772 892100
University of Chester UCHE j.hardisty@chester.ac.uk 01244 511234
University of Chichester UCHI n.bannier@chi.ac.uk 01243 812082
University of Cumbria UCUM library@cumbria.ac.uk 01228 88 88 88
University of Derby DRBY library@derby.ac.uk 01332 591215
University of Dundee DUND library@dundee.ac.uk 01382 384087
University of East Anglia UEA Ruth.Collins@uea.ac.uk
University of East London UEL library@uel.ac.uk 02082232276
University of Edinburgh EDIN karen.bonthron@ed.ac.uk 0131 650 3373
University of Essex ESSX libline@essex.ac.uk 01206 873192
University of Exeter EXTR c.d.launder@exeter.ac.uk 01392 723820
University of Exeter, Penryn Campus UserServicesPenryn@fxplus.ac.uk 01326 213801
University of Galway NUIG library@nuigalway.ie 00 353 91 494109