A-Z list of SCONUL Access members

Search all SCONUL Access members using the table below. Click the institution or library name to view full details. To search libraries and locations head over to the map search.

Institution ID Email Phone Libraries
Liverpool Hope University LVHU askalibrarian@hope.ac.uk 0151 291 2018
Liverpool John Moores University LJMU C.M.Burns@ljmu.ac.uk 0151 231 2768
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine LSTM Library@lstmed.ac.uk 0151-702 9339
London Business School LBS jhall@london.edu 020 7000 7626
London Contemporary Dance School LCDS library@theplace.org.uk 020 7121 1110
London Metropolitan University LMET sconuladmin@londonmet.ac.uk 020 7133 2089
London School of Economics and Political Science LSE
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine LSHT philip.segall@lshtm.ac.uk
London South Bank University SBU dohertaa@lsbu.ac.uk 020 7815 6626
Loughborough University LBRO M.S.Cunningham@lboro.ac.uk 01509 222353
Manchester Metropolitan University MMU r.eyres@mmu.ac.uk 0161 247 6106
Maynooth University NUIM library.membership@nuim.libanswers.com +353 1 708 3429
Middlesex University MDX b.valantinaviciute@mdx.ac.uk 020 8411 2791
National Art Library, Victoria & Albert Museum NAL v.worsfold@vam.ac.uk
National Library of Ireland +353 1 6030 244
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Wales
Newcastle University NCL karina.forrest@newcastle.ac.uk 0191 208 7662
Newport see University of South Wales NEWP
Northeastern University London
Northern School of Contemporary Dance NSCD samantha.king@nscd.ac.uk 0113 219 3020
Northumbria University UNN library@northumbria.ac.uk
Norwich University of the Arts NORW a.straker@norwichuni.ac.uk 01603 751460
Nottingham Trent University NTU charlotte.stockwell@ntu.ac.uk +44 (0)115 848 6225
Open University OPEN library-ass-admin@open.ac.uk 01908 659001
Oxford Brookes University OXBR jakers@brookes.ac.uk 01865 534858
Plymouth Marjon University SMSJ jaclark@marjon.ac.uk 01752 636700 ext 4200
Queen Margaret University QMAG LMenzies@qmu.ac.uk 0131 474 0000
Queen Mary University of London QMUL library@qmul.ac.uk +44 (0) 20 7882 8955
Queen's University, Belfast QUB sconulaccess@qub.ac.uk 028 90976144
Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance Julie.Brixey-Williams@rambertschool.org.uk 0208 892 9960
Ravensbourne University London RUL library@rave.ac.uk
Regent’s University London REG cresseyj@regents.ac.uk 020 7487 7512
Robert Gordon University RGU library@rgu.ac.uk 01224 263450
Rose Bruford College ROBR Frank.Trew@bruford.ac.uk 0208 308 2635
Royal Agricultural University RAU library@rau.ac.uk 01285 652531
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama CSSD Sara.Wiener@cssd.ac.uk 020 7559 3996
Royal College of Art RCA angela.applegate@rca.ac.uk 0207 590 4224
Royal College of Music RCM peter.linnitt@rcm.ac.uk 020 7591 4323
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow library@rcpsg.ac.uk
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI kathrynsmith@rcsi.ie 01-402-2226
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh RCSEd r.fixter@rcsed.ac.uk 0131 527 1632
Royal College of Surgeons of England (The) RCSE library@rcseng.ac.uk 020 7869 6555
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland RCS library@rcs.ac.uk +44 (0) 141 332 4101
Royal Holloway, University of London RHUL Library@rhul.ac.uk
Royal Horticultural Society RHS elizabetholiver@rhs.org.uk
Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Jason.Canham@riba.org
Royal Northern College of Music RNCM Toni-Ann.La-Crette@rncm.ac.uk 0161 907 5241
Royal Veterinary College RVC mbent@rvc.ac.uk 01707669424
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama WCMD Library@rwcmd.ac.uk 029 2039 1330