University of East London
Self-service / Security staffed hours
Entry to UEL Libraries will not be available to Sconul email holders during self-service / security staffed opening hours.
24 hour access is still available but Sconul email holders will need to register for a UEL Library card first during library staffed hours.
This does not affect existing UEL visitor card holders.
Planning to borrow books at UEL Library?
If you are on a band that is eligible for borrowing, please register for a borrower card during library staffed hours (at least 30 minutes before library helpdesks close). You must bring a passport size photograph along with your supporting documents.
Borrowing is available during library staffed hours only.
For further details
Contact Name
Florence Achen-Owor
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Institution Website
Library Website
Library Catalogue
E15 4LZ
ID (i.e. ABER, ARU etc)
Inst ID