A-Z list of SCONUL Access members

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | Y
Title Contact Phone
University of Aberdeen Marion Blacklaw 01224 273767
Abertay University Gail McCabe 01382 308833
Aberystwyth University Jan Litton 01970 622400
Anglia Ruskin University Kate Ashton 01223 695890
University of the Arts London Karen Riley 020 7514 2096
Arts University Plymouth Donna Gundry
Arts University Bournemouth Charlotte Wilmot 01202 363391
Aston University Deborah Munro 0121 204 4492
Title Contact Phone
Bangor University Tony Heaton 01248 382980
University of Bath Christopher Roberts 01225 386082
Bath Spa University David Rooney 01225 875490
University of Bedfordshire Carly Ramirez-Herelle 01582 489341
Birkbeck, University of London Alison Bernard/Steven Ellis
University of Birmingham Louise Potter 0121 414 5828
Birmingham City University Wai Man Choi 0121 331 5861
University College Birmingham Manjeet Dhillon 0121 232 4212
Bishop Grosseteste University Helen Smith 01522 583790
University of Bolton Steve Crimes 01204 903093
Bournemouth University Jonathan Edwards 01202 965959
University of Bradford Sophie North 01274 233301
University of Bristol Jenny Fisken
The British Library Not participating in SCONUL Access
Brunel University Parminder Singh 01895 268715
University of Buckingham Librarian 01280 828369
Buckinghamshire New University SCONUL Access Team 01494 605 107
Title Contact Phone
Birmingham Newman University Marion Owen 0121 387 4499
University of Brighton Rachel Bramley/Fiona Yeoman 01273 643220
Title Contact Phone
University of Cambridge Jo Milton
Canterbury Christ Church University Julie Rees 01227 922352
Cardiff University Suzanne Hathaway 029 20874818
Cardiff Metropolitan University Lucie Klimankova 029 2041 6244
University of Central Lancashire (Preston campus only) The Library 01772 892100
University of Chester Madeleine Rogerson 01244 511234
University of Chichester Karen Lloyd 01243 812082
City St George’s, University of London (Clerkenwell/Moorgate) Derek Mackenzie 020 7040 8191
The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama Samantha King
University College Cork Martin O'Driscoll 021 4902292
Courtauld Institute of Art Philip Pearson 0 20 7848 7659
Coventry University Suki Bharaj 024 7688 7518
Cranfield University Karen Johns 01234 754444
University for the Creative Arts Liz Ficken 01227 817314
University of Cumbria Jane Robinson 01228 616218
Title Contact Phone
City St George’s, University of London (Tooting) Louise Davies 0208 7255291
Title Contact Phone
De Montfort University Jane Mansfield 0116 207 8376
University of Derby Kay Jeffries 01332 591215
Dublin City University Shauna McDermott
University College Dublin Brendan Stafford +353 (0)1 716 7695
Technological University Dublin Sarah-Anne Kennedy
University of Dundee University of Dundee Library & Learning Centre 01382 384087
Durham University 0191 334 2959
Title Contact Phone
University of East Anglia Ruth Collins
University of East London Florence Achen-Owor 02082232276
Edge Hill University Nicola Bilsborough/Kinsella Kinsella 01695 650800
University of Edinburgh Karen Bonthron 0131 650 3373
Edinburgh Napier University Carol Wilkie 0131 455 2444
University of Essex Joe Chaplin 01206 873192
University of Exeter Chris Launder 01392 723820
University of Exeter, Penryn Campus Martyn Duggan 01326 213801
Title Contact Phone
Falmouth University Martyn Duggan 01326 213818
Title Contact Phone
University of Galway Kristopher Meen 00 353 91 494109
Glamorgan see University of South Wales Ann Cross 01443 483376
University of Glasgow Suzanne Hartley 0141 330 4514
Glasgow Caledonian University Jimi Mitchell 0141 273 1000
Glasgow School of Art Dan Sambo 0141 353 4551
University of Gloucestershire Michele Elliot /John Thorne / Laura Bradnock/ Tom Graham
Goldsmiths, University of London Sarah Hawton 020 7919 7189
University of Greenwich Oliver Witkin
Guildhall School of Music and Drama Kate Eaton 0207 382 7174
Title Contact Phone
Harper Adams University Curwen Thomas 01952 815284
Hartpury University Emma Stevens
Heriot-Watt University Graeme Hendry 0131 451 3577
University of Hertfordshire Sharon Fox
University of the Highlands and Islands Tracey Cooper
University of Huddersfield Paula Clover 01484 473830
University of Hull Sandra Tranmer 01482 466581
Title Contact Phone
Imperial College, London Robin Peters +44 (0)20 7594 8810
Institute of Cancer Research Barry Jenkins 020 8722 4230
Institute of Historical Research, University of London Kate Wilcox 020 7862 8760
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Claire Miller 020 7862 5801
Title Contact Phone
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Ellen Haggar 020 7304 6857
Title Contact Phone
University of Keele Debra Steventon 01782 733233
University of Kent Mark Dempster 01227 824189
King's College London KCL Libraries & Collections
Kingston University Amy Malloy 020 8417 2122
Title Contact Phone
LAMDA Melkorka Oskarsdottir 020 8834 0540
Lancaster University John Williamson 01524 593804
The University of Law Not participating in SCONUL Access
University of Leeds Lynne Thompson 0113 3435663
Leeds Arts University Aoife Larkin 0113 202 8000
Leeds Beckett University Rachel Gladwin and Kat Bradley 0113 812 1000
Leeds Trinity University (Horsforth Campus only) Nick Goodfellow 0113 2837246
Leeds Conservatoire Rebecca Woods 0113 2223458
University of Leicester Jess Moore 0116 252 2448
Leo Baeck College Cassy Sachar 02083495610
University of Limerick Mary Dundon 0353 61 202170
University of Lincoln Sam Greasley 01522 886222
University of Liverpool Fiona Sneddon 0151 794 2685
Liverpool Hope University Stephen Bird 0151 291 2018
Liverpool John Moores University Chris Burns 01512314250
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Jackie Pearce 0151-702 9339
University of London, Senate House Libraries Aleksandra Piotrowska 0207 862 8469
London Business School John Hall 020 7000 7626
London Contemporary Dance School Sonia Bacca 020 7121 1110
The London Library Not participating in SCONUL Access
London Metropolitan University Gulten Tufekci 020 7133 2089
London School of Economics and Political Science Not participating in SCONUL Access
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Philip Segall
London South Bank University Alan Doherty 020 7815 6626
University College London Robert Pinckney 020 7679 2638
Loughborough University Matt Cunningham 01509 222353
Title Contact Phone
University of London, Distance Learners Paul Bramhall
Title Contact Phone
University of Manchester Natalie Patton 0161 275 3715
Manchester Metropolitan University Rebecca Eyres 0161 247 6106
Maynooth University Laura Connaughton +353 1 708 3429
Middlesex University Brigita Valantinaviciute 020 8411 2791
Universities at Medway Irene Barranco Garcia 01634 883878
Title Contact Phone
National Library of Ireland Not participating in SCONUL Access +353 1 6030 244
National Library of Scotland Not participating in SCONUL Access
National Library of Wales Not participating in SCONUL Access
Newcastle University Karina Forrest 0191 208 7662
Newport see University of South Wales
Northeastern University London Not participating in SCONUL Access
University of Northampton Library Membership Team 01604 893089
Northern School of Contemporary Dance Samantha King 0113 219 3020
Northumbria University Tracy Speeding
Norwich University of the Arts Amy Straker 01603 751460
University of Nottingham University of Nottingham Enquiries 0115 9516393
Nottingham Trent University Charlotte Stockwell +44 (0)115 848 6225
Title Contact Phone
Open University Mike Blunt 01908 659001
University of Oxford Not participating in SCONUL Access
Oxford Brookes University Jo Akers 01865 534858
Title Contact Phone
University of Plymouth Claire Edwards 01752 588588
Plymouth Marjon University Jayne Clark 01752 636700 ext 4200
University of Portsmouth Nicola Zanelli 023 9284 3210
Title Contact Phone
Queen Mary University of London Gemma Bayliss +44 (0) 20 7882 8955
Queen's University, Belfast Jacqueline McCurry 028 90976144
Queen Margaret University Lindsey Menzies 0131 474 0000
Title Contact Phone
Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance Julie Brixey-Williams 0208 892 9960
Ravensbourne University London Ravensbourne Library
University of Reading Natasha Kennedy 0118 378 8770
Regent’s University London James Cressey 020 7487 7512
Robert Gordon University Maria Robertson 01224 263450
University of Roehampton Hannah Basing 020 8392 3770
Rose Bruford College Frank Trew 0208 308 2635
Royal Agricultural University Susan Baker 01285 652531
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama Sara Wiener 020 7559 3996
Royal College of Art Angie Applegate 0207 590 4224
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Kathryn Smith 01-402-2226
Royal College of Music Peter Linnitt 020 7591 4323
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Clare Harrison
Royal Institute of British Architects Jason Canham
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Robin Fixter 0131 527 1632
Royal Horticultural Society Elizabeth Oliver
Royal College of Surgeons of England (The) Susan Isaac 020 7869 6555
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland The Library Team +44 (0) 141 332 4101
Royal Holloway, University of London Ann Waitman 01784 44 3327
Royal Northern College of Music Toni-Ann La-Crette 0161 907 5241
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama Judith Dray 029 2039 1330
Royal Veterinary College Stephen Cook 01707669131
Title Contact Phone
University of Salford Team Leaders 0161 295 5535
SOAS, University of London Tadsanee Mahongsri +44 (0)20 7898 4163
SRUC (Scotland's Rural College) Rory MacLeod 01224 711211
The University of Sheffield Library Rebecca Sackett 0114 222 7200
Sheffield Hallam University Tracey G Smith 0114 225 2111
Society of Antiquaries of London Dunia Maria Garcia-Ontiveros 020 7479 7084
Solent University Jane Coomer
University of Southampton Peter Martin (0)23 8059 3452
University of South Wales Lynne Evans 01443 483376
SP Jain London School of Management Not participating in SCONUL Access
University of St Andrews Valerie Dickson 01334 462283
St Mary's University Lucy Riley 020 8240 4230
St Mary's University College, Belfast Not participating in SCONUL Access
Staffordshire University Student Connect 01782 294751
University of Stirling Linda Cameron 01786 467221
University of Strathclyde Jacqueline Ryan 0141-548 4626
University of Suffolk Library and Learning Services 01473338700
University of Sunderland Hattie Blenkinsop 0191 515 3691
University of Surrey Library and Learning Services 01483 689235
University of Sussex Michael Smith 01273 876716
Swansea University Amber Arrowsmith 01792 295500
Title Contact Phone
Tate Library (Tate Britain) Andrew Gent 020 7887 8838
Teesside University Julie Carney 01642 342100
Trinity College, Dublin Not participating in SCONUL Access
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Nadege Mazel 020 8305 9331
Title Contact Phone
Ulster University Sarah O'Deorain 028 701 24671
Title Contact Phone
University of Wales Trinity Saint David Anna Fonge 01792 481200
University of Warwick Geoff Lewis 02476 522 026
Wellcome Collection Amelia Walker 02076117289
University of West London Imran Hussain
University of the West of England, Bristol Library Enquiries Team 0117 32 82277
University of the West of Scotland Gillian Dawson 0141 848 3888
University of Westminster Alice Soares 0203 506 7066
University of Winchester Collette Blair 01962 827306
University of Wolverhampton Library Supervisors 01902 322306
University of Worcester Clare Grant-Parkes 01905 542807
Wrexham University Nicola Watkinson
Title Contact Phone
University of York Nathan Williams 01904 323838
York St John University Victoria Hamilton 01904-876696