The future of the systems librarian webinar

Start & End Date : 
Tuesday, October 31, 2023



A summary of this event together with the recording, chat transcript and presentations can be found here:


SCONUL has announced the launch of a new project: the Future of the Systems Librarian, which will open with a scoping webinar which will be held on 31 October from 14.00 to 15.30hrs.  This is open to staff at all SCONUL member institutions. E-mail for the registration details.


With developments in library technology accelerating, this project will look at the role of the systems librarian in supporting the evolving needs of the library. Some institutions in the sector are reporting difficulties in recruitment, and succession planning remains challenging as staff in systems roles retire, while the role, and the systems themselves, continue to evolve. As data and learning analytics increase in importance to universities, how can systems librarians provide that added value to their institutions? The project team will take the learning from this community webinar to shape the development of the project. SCONUL is keen to hear from member institutions with insights or practice in this area they would be willing to share with colleagues. Please do contact if that is the case.