We are delighted to announce that SCONUL’s new Deputy Director will be Lisa McLaren who many of you will already know. She brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to the SCONUL team, having had more than twenty years’ experience in the sector in academic, health, public and school libraries. She was most recently Head of Library Services at Solent University and prior to that worked as Academic Services Manager at the University of Sussex. Her interests include open research, leadership in libraries and staff development.
She will be starting with us on 25 April and will be working closely with the Board, with the Executive Direcotr and the rest of the SCONUL team to deliver the new SCONUL strategy, including representing the sector with our stakeholders, working with colleagues on the development of projects and programmes and development of our core services.
We are also joined by a new team administrator, Anita Ape, who comes to us from Harrow Council where she was a business officer.
Please do join us in congratulating them both and making them welcome to the SCONUL community.