Following elections to the Board and the regular retirement of Board members, there are a number of opportunities for SCONUL members to take a lead within the community by getting involved in our groups. Please consider putting yourself forward.
If you would like to get involved, but wish to discuss what’s required first, please get in touch either with Pete Ryan, SCONUL Chair or Ann Rossiter to find out more.
How to apply
- Email Ruth Stubbings setting out which group you would like to be involved with and why. Include a short biography (one paragraph).
- The deadline for responses is Monday 17th September 2018.
- you may wish to review our current strategy and the guidelines on the general expectations for group members.
The vacancies
There are opportunities for participation in the following groups:
The Collaboration Strategy Group: Two vacancies
The Collaboration Strategy Group is currently exploring the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on higher education and has over sight of the development of Jisc services, such as the National Bibliographic Knowledge Base. This group works closely with Jisc and other partners in the development of these shared services, and those partners are represented on the group. The Chair of the group is Liz Waller, Durham University.
Membership Review Task and Finish Group: Three vacancies
Given recent changes in the HE sector, including the development of alternative providers, SCONUL is setting up a Task and Finish Group looking at the SCONUL membership rules and whether these need to be updated. The group will report to the Board and will be chaired by a Board member, James Anthony-Edwards from Wolverhampton University. We are seeking three members to represent the SCONUL membership in discussions and so would welcome members of the group from the broad range of SCONUL members.
The Services Steering Group: One vacancy
The Services Steering Group regularly reviews all services to ensure their effectiveness, value for money and relevance. Plus it considers the scope for new services and establishes sub-groups as and when required to oversee the development and delivery of specific services. This group works closely with the chair of other SCONUL groups. The Chair of the group is Frances Boyle, Imperial University.
Statistics Steering Group: Two vacancies
The Statistics Steering Group oversees the development and delivery of the SCONUL statistics service. The Chair of the group is Elizabeth Malone, Kingston University. This would suit someone currently at deputy / senior management team level. The group meets three times a year.
Workforce Development Task & Finish Group: Two vacancies
The Workforce Development Task & Finish Group is focusing on strategic workforce planning across the sector including developing materials and tools to support members in their own workforce planning. The Chair of the group is Caroline Taylor, University of Leicester.
It’s assumed that strategy group members will be directors of library services, though other senior and experienced staff are welcome where their interest or experience is of particular relevance. Each of the groups meets around four times a year, at least one of which will be by telephone or web conferencing.